District Committee Member, (DCM) – the vital link between the group’s G.S.R. and the area service structure, including the area’s Delegate to the General Service Conference. Required to attend all Area Planning meetings and Area Assemblies. Suggested 5yrs. recovery.

Alternate DCM – assist DCM with their duties.

Treasurer – handles all incoming and outgoing District funds. Serves on the buget committee.
Alternate Treasurer – assist Treasurer with their duties.

Secretary – records and distributes minutes for all District meetings and forwards notes to GSRs and Committee members. Keeps District mailing lists up to date.
Alternate Secretary – assist Secretary with their duties.

District 11 Committees:

Accessibility and Treatment (A&T) & Alternate – Treatment is responsible for coordinating meetings in health care settings. Accessibility is responsible for carrying the message to alcoholics who experience barriers to accessing A.A.’s program of recovery, working with deaf, hard-of-hearing and blind individuals; with elder alcoholics; and in under-served or remote communities.

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) & Alternate – Responsible for bringing AA information to the Professional community i.e., Doctors, Lawyers, Clergy.

Corrections & Alternate – Responsible for service in corrections settings and on carrying the message “behind the walls,” including starting meetings in various kinds of facilities; funding A.A. literature; and becoming a Prerelease Contact. Individual A.A.s can learn about the Corrections Correspondence Service as well.

Grapevine Representative (GR) & Alternate – Responsible for promoting the Grapevine literature within our recovery community. Can attend workshops and group functions to display Grapevine materials.

Literature – Serves the District groups by ordering AA literature from GSO as needed. (Usually 2 times /year.)

Newsletter – Responsible for publishing the district monthly Newsletter. This work includes maintaining an email list of all who want to receive the newsletter and publishing important information on happenings in the district.

Public Information (PI) & Alternate – Provides information and education to the non-alcoholic community to explain the working of A.A. and the importance of anonymity. Distribution of meeting schedules and information to local newspapers and non-professional groups., appears at schools and health fairs, and communicates with the media. Assists AA members when speaking publicly to the community about AA.

Website & Alternate – Works with the Webmaster Designer to keep the website up-to-date.

Workshops & Alternate – Develop and coordinate District workshops (usually 2 times/year: Spring and Fall).